
If a person asks Allah (SWT) for forgiveness, should he/she be punished?

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By shariah law?

Say, for instance, a lady has an extra marital affair. She is then told she will be executed under Shariah law - death by stoning. What if she asks for forgiveness, and you KNOW it is sincere?

Should she be forgiven by the court and NOT be killed via stoning?

References would be appreciated.




  1. Mmmm... the wrong doer will get one of his nuts removed.

    i know coz i have seen how they behave..

  2. death by stoning is the hallmark of a civilised society isnt it

    *eyes to heaven*

  3. Surah an Nisa says to forgive them. In this link, look at 5:55-6:28

  4. In asking for Allah's forgiveness two things are to be remembered:

    1. The offense committed will not be repeated.This should be the resolve.

    2. The belief that if one person Allah is to forgive it will be you, and if one person Allah will punish it will be you.

    The second part of belief enforces faith and complete submission to his mercy

  5. Yes, I believe so.

    Bcuz I remember reading something that Umar (or Abu Bakr) RA had said that f anyone commits a sin, they should not admit to it bcuz they will be punished.

    By that it s clear that yes, u will be punished.

  6. Umm, killing is wrong regardless of whether he/she repented. Sorry but no one but Allah has the right to end a life.

  7. If a person ask Allah(SWT) for forgiveness, then only Allah(SWT) can forgive. If one is true to their Faith then he/she should not have done this in the first place clearly knowing the punishment might be and if one is Sincere in the end, then one should humbly accept the Punishment for that.

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