
If a person can't shake depression do they become sad?

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Is this an unending cycle or is there a way to snap yourself out of it? .......I hope the answer won't be a bummer from a clown




  1. How long have you been depressed? If it has been a long while, then do talk to someone. Depression is an actual illness, and it is treatable. No, it is not a never ending cycle...sometimes it just takes a few changes in your life. Sometimes getting very busy helps. Helping others is also very, very good for you. Exercise, a hobby. (even if you can't think of a fun hobby, throw yourself into something that keeps you from worrying about how sad you are.) I would suggest trying to find out why you are sad. Is it something external? Is it because of a love? You need to come to terms with the cause and either remove it from your life or  change it somehow...if you do not know why you are sad, maybe you are really angry about something? Unresolved anger can make us really depressed, miserable. Please talk to someone, a counselor, pastor...someone who will listen and be open.

    I wish you well



  2. I think that Liz had very good insight and advice. I also feel

    that if a person can not shake depression, they become

    more bitter and always sad.

    The best advice was already given, but know that

    anytime you would like to talk to someone, if there

    is not a professional around, I would always listen, if it

    was to help in any way. Though I am myself depressed

    most of the time, but not when I advise, or listen to others.

    only when it comes to my own sadness! That is why I feel

    that Y.A. is a form of therapy that occupies the mind and

    keeps ur mind from dwelling on ur problems and sadness.

    And, ur helping others at the same time! remember, I am

    here if u need me....that what a friend is for,

                          ..................besides just for good times!

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