
If a person cuts their arm and needs stitches...?

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If a person cuts their arm and needs stitches...?

will the doctor assume that that person is in danger of harming themselves and force them to check into a mental hospital. i've cut my arm and i do need stitches, but i cannot risk my being forced into a state mental ward or something of the like. i do not wish harm on myself. things just went too far last night. can i use any kind of butterfly stitch or anything to close this open's pretty deep and bleeding on and off still.

please help




  1. i dont think so as long as you say it was an accident. but you should have already gone to the doctor, so hurry and go

  2.   The doctors and nurses will probably suspect that it is a self-inflicted wound- I see them all of the time.    If you do not have the wound sutured, it will probably leave quite an ugly scar.  As for psych treatment, if you are cutting yourself, then you DO need help.   If you stitch yourself,  you can certainly guarantee yourself a wound infection.  You need to get it professionally sutured as they do the procedure in a sterile fashion and will prescribe antibiotics.  You may also be updated on your tetanus.  

  3. well i know from working in a urgent care that anything pass 48 hours they wont stich u  up anyway cause its offically to old to do so so you need to get this taken care of right away...not only do you have to worry about infection sitting in now you got to worry about a tetanus shot if you havent' have one in 10 years and if you are hurting yourself you do need to be in a phyc ward cause thats not cool.  anyways....if you wait to late for the stictches they can probably just sturri strip you and call it a day probably give you some pain relaxer and send u home happy

  4. you should see you doctor or go to the pharmacist at your local drugstore and they might suggest steri strips that will hold the cut together, but if really deepand still bleeding  you should get stitches.

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