
If a person dies and then springs back to life, do they get their money back for the coffin? ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Impossible for them to spring back to life as all of their body fluid has been replaced with formaldehyde.

  2. NO.. LOL

  3. They would probably lose the money on a clause in the contract lol

  4. Nope, not unless the guy selling the coffin died of a heart attack died on the spot or was shot to death or shot and got injured where in all three cases the dead-now-alive-again guy and his family took the money and run or in the cases where the guy selling the coffin dies and the dead-now-alive-again guy and his family sell the dead coffin seller the coffin and stick his dead body in it and lock it just in case he is still alive...

  5. Nope, they are just a zombie roaming the earth. = )  

  6. Nope, they keep it for when they actually die.


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