
If a person dreams about a situation/event and then this situation/event occurs in a later waking situation.?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike you think that the event took place because the dreamer dreamt it, or did the dreamer dream it because the event was going to take place?




  1. maybe someone wants to to warn someone about any  situation/events that's going to never know....

  2. i believe that a dreamer dreams because its going to happen, or at least something similar. i see dreams sometimes as premonitions, thats why we have deja vu...because we have already seen it.

  3. I would say the dreaner had a little intuition, to something. But they always say if you can dream it, it can happen.

  4. good question. i've always wondered the same.

  5. its called a premenision see ppl actually use more of their brain when they dream tjan at any other time except during s*x ironiclly anyway it is believed that during dreams one can tap into a psychic power that can not be reached during conciousness

    if u believ in that anyway

  6. i think that it could be a mixture of both, some coincidence and some self-fulfilling prophecy

  7. very good question and not sure but basically everything happens for a reason

  8. try looking up deja vu on wikipedia

  9. deja vu is just a word for our spirit going out before us.

    it happens when you dont look for it.

  10. If it occurs once, it's coincidence.  If repeatedly, you're clairvoyant  -- it's an amazing gift ..... or curse, I'm not sure.

  11. 'DEJA VU', I believe is a french word meaning, roughly, a happening, that you think you have experienced before.  I usually read a book in my dream, and when I go to read a book when I am awake, I can usually tell what word will come next or paragraph.  It happens a lot to me, and I think it happens to all of us on occassions.  Dreams that we dream of take place.  Precog is another word.

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