
If a person gets the tv remote stuck in their rear end, how do they change the channel?

by  |  earlier

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(a friend wants to know)




  1. Punch them in the stomach

  2. Kegels

  3. your " friend" shouldn't have any problems changing channels if they have long fingers ,until the batteries are dead then you've got a problem

  4. Tighten the cheeks for each channel change.

  5. you buy a new remote, and never talk to that person again.

  6. Go to the T.V and just click the up and down Channel Buttons. Hehh.

  7. With great difficulty.

  8. Smack their left cheek to increase channel, slap right one to decrease channel.

  9. f**t.

  10. There is a medical procedure called remotesuction that is a bit risky and if you are human it should not be done without written permission from your Beagle.  

  11. They've got to pucker real hard & have their eyes open real wide & be facing the tv.

  12. By farting.

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