
If a person has a felony on their record, but is no longer on probation...

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Can they vote?

Can they own a firearm?

Can anyone in there home own a firearm?




  1. NO


    NO they can't be in a house with a firearm.  Not even suppose to visit a house with a firearm if they know they have one.

  2. Again as usual, Federal law does not prohibit a felon from voting.

    A felon may not own a firearm of any kind including antiques!

    Each state is different on your last question, but I would want to know the local laws before I visited as home with firearms in it!

  3. In Illinois, felons who are not incarcerated CAN vote. Felons nowhere in the country may posses a weapon and that includes having one in the home owned by another family member who is not a felon. The US Marshall's Service calls this Operation Safe Neighborhoods.  

  4. 1. Not usually

    2. No

    3. No

    Regardless of what each state law, Federal law prohibits the possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Period.

    Sentencing guidelines are 15 years minimum in Federal Prison.

  5. Actually it is a federal offense for a convicted felon to own or possess a firearm.  It would depend on what State you are in as to whether he would be able to vote or not.  Some states permanantly ban felons from voting whereas some states only ban the person until they have served their sentence.  

  6. No (unless you're a Democrat), No, and No (in most States).

    One would have to go before a Judge to get their Rights Reinstated. It might take a few years depending on the Felony so stay out of trouble!

  7. Voting - No.

    Guns - It depends on the state. Generally, if you have a felony on the record then you can't own a firearm. When you purchase a gun, you usually have to fill out an application and go through the waiting period. In this waiting period, they end up checking your criminal background.

    Anyone in the house - They can't either. Part of the application asks if anyone in your residence is a convicted felon.

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