
If a person has a fever should you keep them warm or cold?

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What is better, to use blankets, or not?




  1. when my son had fevers (they were always very high tho, so it could depend) we were told to keep the blankets off of him b/c they can elevate body temp or keep it elevated.  generally, a warm bath (warm, not hot, and cool, but not cold) can help.  sponge baths are good to bring a fever down also.  if its an adult, just try to keep them comfy but dont load them with blankets.

  2. It's better to keep them warm, unless their fever goes above 104 F (if it goes above that, you should bring them to a doctor, hospital, or an emergency room immediately). Cover them with blankets to warm them up, especially if they have the chills. The body creates a fever because it's trying to attack the cells that are causing it to be sick, and it's best to help it 'sweat out' the fever by helping it along.

    Place a cold compress or a cool, damp cloth on their forehead or on the back of their neck to keep them cool and to give them some comfort.

    I hope this helped, and good luck!

  3. For some reason when I had a fever, my mom would tuck me in bed with a blanket and just let me rest. She'd bring me soup as well and made me drink medicine.

  4. That depends.  If they are runing a slight fever like that of a cold or flu you would keep them warm, yes.  

    But theye are running a fever extremely high then that persons temperature could cause all manner of complications and that would mean NO BLANKETS and the use if a cool pack to actually lower the temperature.  If a situation warranted that kind of action then the patient would most definetly be in urgent need of hospitilisation.

  5. Warm.. use blankets, but make sure u dont cover the persons face, cos they need fresh air.. ;)

  6. i think its better to keep that person warm. drink medicine and monitor the temperature hourly.

  7. keep them warm.  they could go into shock otherwise.  keep the head cool(for comfort, and to prevent damage).  if the temperature reaches +104 soak them in ice.  if, you haven't taken them to the hospital yet.

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