
If a person has been happily married 17 and 1/2 yrs is it ok to say that or should you just say 17 yrs?

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If a person has been happily married 17 and 1/2 yrs is it ok to say that or should you just say 17 yrs?




  1. Doesn't matter each way is fine!!!!!!



  3. I feel what ever makes you happy .  I don't think there is a proper etiquette that applies nor do I think it would be considered odd  or eccentric your simply being specific as possible and expressing your joy

  4. Honey if you've put up with him for that long, you are entitled to say whatever you want.  Congratulations.

  5. yeah... marrage is by far not equal to a 5 year old saying he is 5 1/2

    however i can see how some women would think that!  

    I would talk with your partner and see what you both can agree upon. once you both are on the same page.. who cares what anyone else says!

  6. Well I don't see why it would matter.

  7. Umm you could call it whatever, you've earned your bragging rights.

  8. Depends if your a dude or chick.

    A dude would say 17 years or a little over 17 years.

    A chick would say 17 and 1/2.

  9. I would just say's like calling your two year old 24 month old....haha  Or like when kids say they're 4'6" and a half...we're adults, we can round

  10. just say 17

    adding that 1/2 makes it sound childish

    i.e. i'm 5 and 1/2 years old

    but its up to you

  11. Putting that 1/2 in there makes you sound like a little kid .....We've been married almost 18 years.........going on 18 yrs....... 17 yrs sounds better  ...or 18yrs

  12. ~~Sure it's okay! It's your answer, your life, your preference. It's also something to be proud of !!!~~

  13. if you have been married for that long show off those years say 17 and a half years. Throw it in people faces and make it last forever ^_^ congrats

  14. Either way would be correct.

  15. it's been 17 years does it really matter???    Dont worry about saying the half, do what I do, when you get to 3/4 just round to the next number.  So, in about 3 months you can just jump to 18.  :)

  16. Yes, that is fine. People usually get over the 1/2 thing after turning fifteen and referring to their birthdays.

    You could say that you have been married for 17 years...18 in whatever month. But unless it is in the next couple of months, I think just saying 17 yrs. is sufficient.

  17. why not just say happily married for almost 18 years????

    congratulations on being married that long, and happily!!!

    that's great!!!

  18. yah it's okay

    it's your life=]

  19. i don't think anyone cares one way or another.

  20. At this point...17 years is sufficient.

  21. 17 and 1/2 sounds a little odd.  Aren't you more aware of time passing - like checking your watch, or counting down the days -- in an unpleasant situation than a pleasant one?   I mean, you would say "I had to wait in line for 2 hours!",  but you don't usually say "We got to go swimming for 2 hours!".    So including the 1/2 year makes it clear that you are very aware of how much time has gone by, which just gives a hint of suggestion of an idea that maybe it hasn't all been happy.

    just a thought.

  22. 17 years is fine. Or "I've been happily married for 18 years in (pick your month)".

    I don't think it makes a lot of difference how you phrase it, people will get the HAPPILY MARRIED for a LONG TIME message.

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