
If a person is hurt in a grocery store and has health insurance, is the store still responsible for expenses?

by Guest63798  |  earlier

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If a person is hurt in a grocery store and has health insurance, is the store still responsible for expenses?




  1. only if it was the stores fault. you know like you slip on something wet. sue them.

  2. getting hurt.. it has to be the stores fault.. if a customer hit you with a cart no.. but if a store employee hit you with a lift truck the store is responsible.. also if some items fell from a shelf on their own they are responsible.. also compensation for pain and suffering and loss of income or job. ok.

  3. Depends if they were neglegent.

  4. The owner/occupant of a premises is NOT automatically liable, just because you get hurt on their premises.  Which is why someone who breaks a nail when they come and visit you, can't automatically get money from YOU.

    So, the store isn't responsible, until their insurance company says they are, or until a judge/jury says they are.  BUT, if you file through your health insurance, and the store is held liable, then your health insurance carrier is allowed to get first dibs on reimbursement money you get from the store.  That's called, subrogation.

  5. Just because you got hurt in a grocery store does not mean they are responsible for your injuries regardless of the status of your health insurance.

    In order for the grocery store to be liable for your injuries - they have to be negligent and their negligence is the direct cause of your injury.

    You did not say how your injury happened - but I will tell you --- grocery stores are vary familiar with folks trying to scam them with bogus slip and fall claims. They have plain clothes in store security and cameras through out the store.

  6. Only if the store was responsible for you getting hurt!

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