
If a person is irresponsible and does something that hurts someone else, should he be punished?

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If you are not responsible for your behavior, how can you be legitimately blamed and therefore justifiably punished for what you do?




  1. We are responsible for our behavior and if our behavior is reckless and irresponsible without regard for the safety of others, we should be punished.

  2. There's a difference between not being responsible for your actions and being irresponsible.  "Not being responsible for your actions" would fall under insanity and in such cases, that person needs to be put away for the safety of us all.  Crimes such as reckless endangerment and involuntary manslaughter are just two charges that could be made against irresponsible people.

  3. Your proposition is a bit broad as it does not seem to allow for accidents, or children.  Just that if someone was hurt, someone else must be punished.  No civilization, none in history, has ever been that barbaric

  4. In most cases, people are accountable (somehow) for what they do. It could be criminal, civil, car insurance, etc.  Persons who are seriously mentally ill and children are not always held responsible since they don't understand what they are doing.

    Many places now charge parents if kids are truant.  That is a joke.. all the kids learn is to blame mommy and daddy for everything they do.

    And.. yes.. it is real life, and people sometimes do get away with doing wrong things.  

  5. Okay, let's say I am just irresponsible.  I like swinging rocks with a rope tied to it.  I am walking down the street, swinging my rock, and you come around the corner, and the rock knocks most of you teeth in, then should I be held responsible?  Of course.

    Now, if I am Insane, a legal term, then off to a state hospital I shall go.  

  6. Republicans will agree with your statement because it includes punishing criminals.  However, they would disagree if they thought you were asking about civil punishment like suing corporations for fraud, prescription drug companies for dangerous drugs or people who get drunk and rear end innocent families.  Republicans say that the civil cases are frivolous (all of them) and all the lawyers are ambulance chasers and all these people who were hurt are just golddiggers.  Read their past posts and future posts.  Republicans are sick puppies.

  7. where does it end, he steped on my big toe, ouch, jail time now, i don't like him or her, jail time, maybe we should just all go over and save a independent country like georga , next to russia, lets help them now, if we have any balls left

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