
If a person lacks communication skills online does that mean that they will be the same way in person?

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Internet dating is still a mystery to me.

What about the opposite situation? If a person is great online, does that mean they will be a great conversationalist in person?

Please share your own insights and experiences. Only share websites that are *extremely* wonderful or unique.





  1. I think it's different for different people. Online i think i'm ok, but in real life, i can't speak to anybody, even family.  I hate speaking.

    Some people pretend to be completely different to how they really are, so people will think they are an amazing person in real life or w/e.

  2. Good luck!

  3. I alwase am me on & off lin & I hop U lik me or not U no wat Im  sain? mk no dif I still me & U still U no matr wat Exzakle! Im jest sain if U no me U lik me less U dnt & dats al I gt 2 sae

  4. I knew someone who could only speak to people online because of social anxiety.  I've never done online dating, but I hardly ever chat with friends online.  I mostly just make plans and interact with people in person.

    being good at one won't make you better or worse at the other, you'll hafta meet the person in real life and judge for yourself

  5. I think a lack of communication skills should serve as a big red flag....everybody is trying to impress everyone else so you don't really expect someone to actually hide their intellect. However the opposite is not always true, I work in a cafe and have a group of schoolboys who regularly sign in multiple chat rooms as MARY.

    They coach each other, and give suggestions and being boys, they know exactly what a guy wants to hear, so they say it and have a good laugh while doing so. On the internet, what you see is definately NOT what you get.

  6. No, it doesn't. I can give an example.

    My female friend had been chatting online with someone she met from one of the online service for several months, and they really seemed "in sync" with each other, so she flew out to meet him in California (she was living on the East coast)...

    She called me almost immediately...the moment he spoke, she just didn't feel that same "spark" that she had when they were writing...

    She decided to give it a week and see if things changed.

    At the end of the week, she came back home, completely heartbroken because he just wasn't the "same guy"....

    I would recommend speaking to him on the phone a few times before dating him in person....hearing his voice will give you clues as to whether things will click with you...

    Even then, when you see him, because of the way he carries himself, habits, phermones, etc, things may not click, but at least you can get a hint on the phone.

    (Psychology Today has great articles on this kind of stuff...but you probably knew that already...)

    Blessings to you.

  7. You can be really good at communicating through writing and stink in real life and vice versa.

    But online dating is a different thing.  It DEF doesn't cover it just via online.  You DO have to hear at least the voice, as CiteUR said in a good post...

    There's this thing called "pheromones" and if a person's got the wrong ones, whoo boy, is THAT ever a big turn off. The only way to find that out is in real life. :-)

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