
If a person only trusts themselves and never anyone else,how would it affect the person's personal psychology?

by Guest57878  |  earlier

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i.e-If someone learns that it's better to be self-sufficient in life,and never trusts anyone else.




  1. Listen to Black Sabbaths song 'Paranoid' and get a good book on the subject of Paranoia.

    I have a good friend who is Bi-polar paranoid schizophrenic which all began because of his inability to trust anyone, not even his family.

    It is a very lonely and frightening place to be.

  2. No man is an island. Paranoia, superiority complex, just missing out on social interactions based on whatever bitterness, frustration, hurt or offense has caused this... sad.

    Better to get up and try again. There are all kinds of people in the world... some may have lied or hurt others, but giving up on the whole species is really giving up on yourself, too.

  3. Self sufficiency is a wonderful thing, however, one needs social attachments to really enjoy life.  What is the point of always paying your mortgage on time if you have no one to share the home with? In order to have a relationship with someone, you need to have a level of trust with them.  A life without social attachments leads to a skewed sence of moral values.  (If you don't care about anyone else, why would it matter if you robbed the bank?)

  4. Girls will break up with him repeatedly.  It's best to try and keep an open mind about others.  Some of them are trustworthy.  As they say, "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

    As to his personal psychology, if he keeps driving girls away by having trust issues, then he might say to himself "seeeeeee, they weren't trustworthy, because they left me," and this will be a self-fulfilling prophecy, the gift that keeps on giving.

    This same thing said above will read true still if you switch genders, by the way.

  5. You'd be more of an an introvert and less sociable then other people .  More independent, goel-driven and less clingy, maybe stubborn  

  6. well im that person and i have no problems and no dramas if u find out the side affects let me know :P till then dont trust no one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not even ur family! peace!

  7. they will be alone forever if that is how one feels.  

  8. I think it would be a lonely existence you have to trust some people

    or you will become  paranoid.

  9. Well, this person could feel like they're all alone in the world, that no one can help them, and this could maybe depress him/her. When the time came that the person really needed someone's help, they would feel guilty about it, and have trouble asking. It might be difficult for the person to relate to anyone because they can't trust others to respect them. This person might do everything in their power to not require anything from anyone, and would eventually become aloof and isolated from others.

    I think...It would depend on the situation.  

  10. i think he just stays away from others and have less frnds.sometimes no frnds at all,majority of thm may feel that they haven't got any the others dont feel.they just dont mind frnds.some of thm may even b arrogant,talkin back at others whoever tries to talk to thm bout something...i also think tht some of thm may also hav superiority complex and they think they are something great of a person living apart from wt i said enough?

  11. they would be lonely and often times miserable because they will never give themselves the chance to connect with people and be comfortable.they'll have a hard time understanding things and if they are in trouble and really need assistance with something they will just be unhappy because they wont allow themselves to feel safe or free around anyone but dont have to trust everybody but you should at least get to know people because you never know when you need someone and you will ALWAYS need people in your life for whatever reason.

  12. Eventually, you forget what loneliness feels like.

    Of course, there's a difference between not trusting others because you believe it's better to be self-sufficient, and not trusting others for a good reason.

    Some people are simply afraid of what they can do to other people and what other people can do to them.

    Of course, part of learning to be self-sufficient is learning that you have to learn things from others in order to be truly self-sufficient.

  13. Then said person will be awfully lonely before long, but will wait for no man.

  14. i'm one of those people. i have friends who i love and trust to an extent but there's some stuff i could never tell them. that's just me. it's not so bad until you have something that starts eating away at you and you need to talk to someone about it and then you don't and then you get's not really healthy but that's just the way some people are. including me.

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