
If a person sells their car in california to someone in Mexico do they still have to pay for a parking ticket?

by  |  earlier

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My brother has sold his auto to a guy in Mexico who exported the car out there and it had a 60 day old parking violation on it. the person who bought it registered it out in mexico and my brother turned in the paperwork to DMV here in CA to release his liability for the vehicle. Since the Auto was taken to Mexico and registered there is my brother still liable for the parking ticket on that vehicle?




  1. Yes, if it happened before he released liability on it.

  2. yep, he's responsible.

  3. Of course he is still liable for the ticket.  I'm sure the Mexican didn't also buy the parking ticket liability.

  4. The ticket was issued while the vehicle was registered to your brother. Your brother is still liable for the ticket. Transfer of title does not transfer liability.

    In an extreme hypothetical situation: if your brother had a hit and run accident and then sold the car, the hit and run would still be your brother's responsibility and would not transfer to the new owner of the car. Law is law.

  5. All violations you receive while you (or your brother) was the owner is your responsibility.

    Good Luck...

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