
If a person shows bad form and poor conduct on Y!A...?

by  |  earlier

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Would you vote for them for any political office in your daily life? I am just wondering how people see this.




  1. I know one or two people on here that would get my vote any day! Are you running? :)

  2. Heaven forbid that I should be so stupid as to vote for them.

    Bad form and lack of social decorum on here would certainly reflect bad form and lack of social decorum in their personal life and political life as well.

    It would be a good indicator of their stupidity, gross inability and ineptitude to hold any kind of public office.

    "Stupid is as stupid does."

  3. No I wouldnt

  4. No,but I doubt if mayor Fizzdude would use his yahoo name

  5. no..there is the block feature just for that

  6. No, not at all.

  7. i doubt it. this is supposed to be fun and if people don't understand that and are either cruel with their answers or use horrible grammar & spelling, then i don't want them in any political office.

  8. No freaking way. We have already had 8  miserable years of dysfunctional politics, so no more thank you very much.

  9. yea.....for least we would know what to expect from him/her.

  10. Not a chance,

  11. Nope.  

  12. Half the politcos in office have shown bad form at some point and still get themselves elected..So perhaps I would depending on how bad the form was..

  13. Sad, but definitely could happen.

    We don't really have a choice in who's nominated for anything.

    Hopefully, y is born and bred in China...then they can't be president!

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