
If a person was smoking crack for a little over 2 months how hard would it be for that person to quit?

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Do crackheads usually need to go to treatment or can they just quit on there own?




  1. it would depend on a few factors that added up would determine a persons susceptibility to addiction. things like; the persons self-image, ability to cope with stress, financial situation, family and friends support, the availability of the drug, the overall attitude toward drugs,etc.

  2. depends on how much you (they) still enjoy smoking it.  

  3. The best thing is to get treatment so they can be monitored and less chance of returning to the habit.  good luck

  4. The onset to addiction with crack is very fast, just ask Obama.  It would be very hard to stop.

  5. I knew someone who smoked that stuff for 8 years.  He did eventually quit (hasn't used it in over 4 1/2 years so far) and he did it on his own.  He tried going to rehab after only smoking it for about 6 months, but all he managed to do there was meet more people to buy it from and smoke it with.  I'm sure that's not the case for everyone though or the rehab places would go out of business.  But yea, he quit on his own, it just took him a really long time.

  6. not as hard as those who have done it in the long term but since you've just started it would still be quite hard because its addictive.

  7. 2 months...but how many times per day.  The more frequent the usage, the harder it will be.

    Certain personalities are better at quitting substances than others, so depends on the person, family friends, enviornment to determine if treatment is needed.

    Crack is one of the most addictive drugs, so treatment is likely.

  8. Ask Obama

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