
If a persons abusive behaviour and obvious character flaws affects you in a negative sense and?

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your overall sense of well being and you comment on the character of such a person, does that mean you are a critical and fault finding individual in its most negative sense? And what does this mean really for the very sensitive amongst us who deal with the negativity and nastiness of others on a daily basis much to our own demise? If someone hurts you and you then discern their character can that really be said to be 'fault finding' or just astuteness of perception?Isn't there a difference between discernment and fault finding. One comes from a place of wisdom and perhaps self preservation but the other is bred of jealousy, bitterness and a mean spirit.




  1. Well that depends on how you execute it. If you are faulting to their face, or to others-that is being judging and mean spirited.

    If you can decipher this but keep it to your own thoughts and decide that you don't like to be that way, but you change yourself from within, then its not judging , its using your wisdom to be wiser.

  2. On the other hand, what happens when you insult a wise man?

    p.s; this is why i'll never consider myself to be a wise man, btw - i get caught up in a cold rage too often.

  3. everyone has right of speech but when that wording hurts another and the speak is venomous then the backlash is astuteness of perception. you have every right to speak back your mind just don't use that same negative tone as those spitting the poison. they need to be told in order to correct the negativity.

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