
If a physic claims you will have 3 children, does that include past abortions?

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If a physic claims you will have 3 children, does that include past abortions?




  1. an aborted fetus is not a child.

  2. No, usually it means just live births. I can see when people have lost children.. Miscarriages and abortions come out the same, but births are different. Of course nothing is etched in stone, so it is possible that you might abort a child that is meant to be and shows up during the reading, but if you already had an abortion it will show up as a lost pregnancy.

  3. Jane

    When a psychic mentions anything that you do not understand You should ask for clarification.

    Will have pertains to the future, so it is a matter that only that individual psychic can explain what was meant behind the words.


  4. good question.......(pending)

  5. Does it really matter. Anyone who is gullible enough to pay a psychic shouldnt be having children anyway. Why should these people breed. And more importantly who would breed with them.!!!!!!!

  6. It includes whatever it has to include to make the psychic right.  Here are a list of scenarios you might encounter, and the explanation for why the psychic was right.

    *Psychic says you will have 3 children.

    Scenario:  You have 5 children.

    Explanation: She said you would have *3* children, she didn't say you wouldn't have *more* also.

    Scenario: You have 2 abortions  and 1 child.

    Explanation: 1 and 1 and 1 is 3 (got to be good lookin' cuz he so hard to see)

    Scenario: You have two kids and a pet.

    Explanation: The pet is "like a child" to you.

    Scenario: You have two kids.

    Explanation: Taking care of your husband is like taking care of a child.

    Scenario: You have one child.

    Explanation: You are so busy taking care of that one bratty child that you completely forget about the rotten psychic who made off with your money.

    I hope you get my point.

  7. I've seen statistics indicating 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, so what about those?

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