
If a plane crashes and explodes, would you feel much before the fateful end?

by Guest34303  |  earlier

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I was wondering this while flying recently. If the plane went down and hit the ground, it would explode, but would I really suffer for very long?




  1. You wont feel will be gone into around 50 pieces. Its not a pretty sight, i have seen it before unfortunatly. Depending on the speed, you may just get cut in half and suffer for about 5 minutes. Also depending on your plane type. In a jet, you wont feel it.

  2. You may not feel it happen, BUT you damned well will see it coming!

  3. depends on whether hits the ground like a lawn dart, or almost lands successfully.

    If the airplane is moving to the ground at 200 knots, that is over three hundred feet per second.  In the lawn dart scenario, with a 200 foot long airplane, if you were sitting at the back of the plane you might actually see the front contacting the ground (the front of the cabin bursting toward you) in the half second before you impact.  However I think this would be so tumultuous you would not realize what was happening.  Let's hope so.

  4. It depends if you're in the aircraft or not...

  5. just ....jump up..just before it hits the gound..

  6. See the song - D.O.A. by Bloodrock

  7. don't think you would suffer much depending on what type of impact..that's if the heart attack didn't  kill you on the way down

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