
If a player is found guilty or takes repremand for an offense can they still win the coleman medal?

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I read somewhere that if Buddy is found guilty his chance of brownlow and coleman medal are gone. I understand about the brownlow but wasn't sure about the coleman medal.




  1. the only thing the coleman medal takes into consideration is how may goals one kicks in the season, behaviour is irrelevant

  2. He can still win the coleman

  3. Yea i dnt think they can take that away from you.

  4. Yes he can still win the coleman. The coleman is awarded to the highest goal kicker for the season, if they have been reported and found guilty or not.

  5. even if you're Barry Hall or Brendan Fevola - in and out like a ditch drill - you can win the Coleman if you kick the top number of goals.

    Buddy is on track to do just that, unless some ambitious thug puts him out by injury.

    May be a bit of a show off but Franklin is talented and eminently watchable - well, 46 per cent of the crowd think so anyway!l

  6. suspensions does not maqke you inellagable for the coleman

    wave goodbye to the brownlow though

  7. No one is ineligible to win the Coleman. Only the Brownlow medal is off limits to those who are found guilty of an offence.

  8. Yes they can, the medal they can't win is the Brownlow

  9. Yes he can..The commentators on the other nights game mentioned even though he may have lost his chance at the Brownlow he can still be awarded the Colman medal...

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