
If a pool saltwater generator shuts down because of high salt level,will it turn itself back on?

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If a pool saltwater generator shuts down because of high salt level,will it turn itself back on?




  1. Hah, you believed the light on the chlorine generator when it said low salt and added more salt.  Now you know you are way smarter than that dumb machine!

    First, get yourself a salt test kit and test your salinity now and before you make any adjustments in the future.  Most of these units lie when they say low salt and really mean the cell needs to be cleaned out.  Get your manual and read up on using your hose with nozzle to water blast calcium out and if that does not work than acid wash it with 20% muriatic acid and water.

    To take care of your problem you need to drain about 1-2 feet of water then replace with fresh water.  This depends on how big your pool is so you be the judge.

    Once you get back to the range you can check the salt reading on your generator to see if it coinsides with your salinity reading.

    Remember most units say low salt when they really need to be cleaned.

    You're welcome!!

  2. NOT UNTILL salt level is lowered....depending on unit,you may have to shut power off to reset...some models of generators can handle high or low salt condtions some cannnot.

  3. i c where your going with the saline pool water... its nicer than regular chemical pool water cuz it conditions your skin with salt in its bi carbonate  form... how would u like something better than a saline pool? try, chemical free, and ulta skin conditioning used electrified calcium? yea, chemical free 100%... if you want to know more email me at

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