
If a pregnant woman is involved in a fight and then goes into labor could it cause the baby to have CEREBRAL..

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The mother went into labor during a fight at 8 months pregnant. The baby was diagnosed with CEREBRAL PALSY at one and a half months old. Can't the other person involved in the fight be charged with aggravated assault?




  1. No.

    The other person in the fight probably could have been charged at the time for fighting with an obviously pregnant woman but you cannot blame the child's CP on the other person involved with the fight because there is no way to prove that it was their fault. The mother should not have been in a fight to begin with so I'd say she could have been charged with assault, and possibly had her child taken away for being so irresponsible and risking the health and life of her unborn child (unless of course she did not instigate the fight and was merely defending herself because she was attacked.)

    Anyways, I think it is too late to try to lay any charges. That should have been done at the time of the incident.

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