
If a prince that has a princess for a sister marries a woman and she became a princess, does the sister stay p

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If a prince that has a princess for a sister marries a woman and she became a princess, does the sister remain a princess?




  1. Of course she does, and so do all her sisters.  And their husbands can be titled as well.

    No Monarchy has only space for ONE princess.  Remember the story about the Twelve Dancing Princesses?  12, you know.  

    Spain has two royal princesses, plus the Prince of Asturias' wife, who also has the title of Princess.

    Great Britain has only one Princess these days, but Anne didn't lose her title because Charles married Diana.  

    (The Duke of York's daughters are duchesses, I believe, but they may also have the title of Princess).

  2. Rachelle (and others), royalty is not limited to the United Kingdom. Some countries do not use "the" as part of their princely styles at all and most countries don't style their formerly commoner princesses by their husbands' names. Please bear this in mind when posting that there is a whole world beyond the United Kingdom.

    Sue, you are wrong, The Duke of York's daughters are *not* duchesses, they are princesses. You are also forgetting Princess Alexandra of Kent, who is a princess of the blood royal (a princess by birth) and Princess Michael of Kent (married to Prince Michael and a princess by marriage), the Duchesses of Kent and Gloucester (likewise) as well as The Countess of Wessex --- all princesses.

  3. When a royal princess is born to a monarch, she will be a princess for life. When a prince marries another woman, his wife would only receive a courtesy title of "Princess" and will also enjoy the style of "Her Royal Highness."

    So how do you distinguish between a princess by birth or by marriage? Simple, all children of a monarch be titled as "The Prince X or The Princess X" in front of their Christian  name. Commoners who marries a prince will also enjoy the title and style of a princess, however, their Christain name comes before their title and their title will be the feminine equivalent of the prince.

    For example Diana, Princess of Wales never held the title of "Princess Diana." She was legally "Princess Charles" because her husband was The Prince Charles. Only Prince Charles' sister can enjoy the title of "Her Royal Highness, The Princess Anne, Princess Royal.

  4. Yes, why not? She is still part of the royal family despite her brother marrying a woman.

  5. umm.... yes. there is allowed to be more than one princess at a time.

  6. Yes, she will remain a princess.  Think of Princes Charles, he married and Diana became Princess of Wales.  His sister Anne is still Princess Anne.  

    On 13 June 1987, the Queen bestowed the title of Princess Royal on Princess Anne, the seventh creation of this title. Anne was now to be styled Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal. The title is only given to the eldest daughter of the sovereign, the last holder being George V's daughter, Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood.

    best of luck to you!

  7. Yes, the sister remains a princess.  As soon as the prince and his wife (also a princess, now) have kids, she will move farther down in the line of succession, though.

  8. She is a princess for life while the wife is princess during the marriage.

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