
If a product exists that would allow you to tell other drivers how they are driving, would you buy it?

by Guest45207  |  earlier

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for example an electronic sign in your back window that could blink a message like "you are a terrible driver" or "stop tailgating me"

you would be able to control when or what message to broadcast from the drivers seat. you would broadcast the message by driving in front of the offending driver.

would you buy a product like this?




  1. I would want to, I wish I had that a bunch of times. But I would be wary of installing it b/c it could increase road rage against me. So even though I would love to have that, I probably would not buy it for fear of my safety. I wish I had instant cop instead where I could call a bad driver out and instantly the cops would arrive and pull them over.

  2. they tried this years ago and it didn't work. it is another driver distraction. I'm sure you drive perfectly and are in a position to judge others

  3. I have a product already -- my middle finger.

  4. i have always wanted a bullhorn, so that i can lean out the window and scream at all the a******s on the road, i talk about it all the time.  i don't have a bull horn, but i yell at everyone anyways, they obviously can't hear me, but i gotta let it out

  5. nope -

  6. First they already have this available and second no because you will likely wind up shot or something, better to keep quite.....

  7. YES!  There are way too many people who suck at driving and yet they THINK they're a great driver.  It would be great to be able to let them know!

  8. If the price was right I might, but I believe that incidents of "road rage" would double or triple very quickly.

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