
If a purple elaphant can jump how high would it jump?

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if a purple elaphant can jump how high would it jump




  1. as much as it wants to

  2. Only high enough to get into the top branchs of a plum tree.(good camoflage)

  3. If you painted a green elaphant purple and it was old leaded paint it couldn't jump at all because it would be leaded down.

  4. I guess you could spray-paint an elephant purple, and then you could add hot-pink pinstriping. A custom paintjob, you see? :D

    How high could it jump? Depends on its initial velocity when it jumps, which will depend on the amount of force it puts into the ground for the ground to react with, provided the elephant is anatomically capable of jumping for the conditions of the gravity of the planet it's jumping on!

  5. wha..? the answer would be, there's not such thing as a purple elephant?

  6. 2/3 as high as a pink elephant, but twice as high as a white elephant.

  7. Depends on the force of the wind on the kite that's tied to his tail!

  8. High enough to land on a purple coconut tree

    And live happily ever after

  9. 5

  10. Elephants cannot jump nor can they technically run since they are unable to have all of their feet off the ground simultaneously.

  11. it would jump as high as it is happy! :P lol i think it would be like:

    work the elephant does = force in newtons X distance

    so; distance = work the elephant does / force in newtons

    force = change in momentum / time it takes for elephant to jump

    hope it helps :S

  12. That's as silly as this question why do elephants paint their toe nails red? T hide i the straw berry patch have you ever seen an elephant in a straw berry patch well that how well they camouflage

  13. lol you must be bored.

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