
If a question is given too many stars, will it fall to itself and become a black hole ?

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If a question is given too many stars, will it fall to itself and become a black hole ?

Just a bit curious, since stars with the mass of thousands average stars is going to become a black hole.




  1. If stars can't, can topics? If so, the Apollo hoax topic should be nearing the point of implosion.... hopefully it happens soon so that anyone who ventures near it will get sucked in, ripped apart gluon by gluon and their matter removed from the universe forever.

    And there was a great sigh of relief from the normal people.


  2.   Well you seem to be on the right track keep up the good work.

  3. Yes, and then it will consume the Earth in accordance with the 2012 mayan doomsday prophecy.

    Seriously, though...I've seen questions with hundreds of stars and they hadn't yet collapsed into black holes.

  4. Yeah and everyone who clicks to read that Q & A will end up getting their account deleted into the black hole. All his contacts will also get deleted and so on untill all YA accounts are deleted

  5. Urgent message from the Ori headquarters:

    For Your eyes only - Top Secret: warning  - you violating the galactic balance with this question.

    Category 5 life forms are not advanced enough to be in possession of such information.

  6. Internet physics doesn't seem to abide by the laws and theories of traditional physics.  Of the questions I've asked that actually received stars, their mass seems to have been completely unaltered.

    Also, even if internet stars did follow our understanding of real stars, how come they all seem to shine equally?  There is no main sequence?  There is no variation in mass.  And it appears that none of them will go "supernova."

  7. Don't worry.

    There aren't enough stars in all of Yahoo! for this to happen.

  8. If a hen and a half lays an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long does it take a cockroach to crawl backwards across a bar of soap?

    Oh dear, that is neither a question nor an answer, might get reported.  

    Questions are like dark energy, the more you ask the more the Universe expands.  So adding stars to questions might turn them into new galaxies.  

    EDIT- My vote for best answer to ZeroByte, except the 2012 thing will soon approach critical mass. 12,000 plus idiot questions so far.

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