
If a rabbit bites me and I have rabies, what would happen???

by  |  earlier

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For example, a rabbit bit me and it has rabies, what would happen to me? do i have to take medicine or something?!?!?! help!!!!!!!

just in case lol




  1. A rabid rabbit bite would require you to go to the hospital for a series of rabies innoculations, I believe at least three, into the stomach for greatest potency and effectiveness.  Else you would likely die a horrible death from the rabies bite, after a bout with insanity.

  2. you would be given a series of rabies shots.

  3. You would be given painful shots into Your abdomen.

  4. Rabbits don't get rabies.  

  5. Usually rabbits dont have rabies unless it was a WILD rabbit and OBVIOUSLY go to the vet and doctor!!


  6. There is no treatment for rabies; once symptoms begin, the disease is always fatal. It can be prevented, but not cured.

  7. It is highly unlikely that your pet rabbit has rabies unless it has been bitten by a wild mammal in the last 6 months.  Most dangerous would be raccoons, skunks, coyotes, bats and foxes.  If you have concerns, the rabbit should be taken to the vet and be put under observation for at least 10 days.  If rabies is confirmed, you would be given a series of injections.  With the proper cleaning of the wound and medical treatment, the recovery rate is excellent.  Make sure that you do clean the bitewound with a cleaner such as iodine, to help protect against infection of other germs as well.  For more info. see the website below.

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