
If a recipe calls for brown sugar does it matter if it is light or dark brown sugar?

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The recipe just says brown sugar it does not specify which to use. What is the difference between the 2?




  1. The difference between the to is how much molasses is put in. Dark brown has more. It does not matter which one you use, but with the dark it will have a more molasses taste ( I can't taste the difference).

  2. I'm sure it depends on a variety of factors, but my "hunch" is that it means light brown suger and would specifically specify a dark brown sugar, if that's its intent.

    Different recipes will represent this in differnet ways.  Light brown suger has a less intense flavor, so you're likely to get into less trouble using it.  If you really want a stronger "molasses-like" flavor, then bump up to the dark!

    Good luck!

  3. I wouldn't worry about using light for dark or dark for light for in a recipe

  4. no, it doesnt matter. unless the recipe calls for a specific type. the difference is molasses content and its a flavor difference. Dark has more molasses than light brown sugar

  5. the darker the sugar the more intense the flavour. with baking the dark sugar will add to a deeper brown colour. There isnt any difference in the way the recipe will turn out just that the dark brown sugar has a deeper and richer flavour.

  6. nope

  7. usually brown sugar

  8. Unless it specifically calls for dark, then it's usually referring to light brown sugar.

    Kosher Caterer here

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