
If a relative has bad breath or bo, would it be proper to tell them.?

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I would want someone to tell me. Unfortunately some people get upset when you tell them.




  1. Yes, you should tell them about their problem.  The relative that is closest to the person who smells should tell the person that they smell.  They are only getting upset because they are embarassed.  That's why you tell them tactfully.

    I dated a guy and then just hung out with him last summer.  I couldn't date date him after the 2nd official date because he smelled so bad - usually body odor and/or dirty sweaty clothes.  To this day I'm a little upset because I think the woman who set me up with him partially did it so *I* would straighten out his hygiene habits.  She was his relative.  You can't tell me they didn't smell him.

  2. You must never tell them.  One should put a pet on ones nose when the wind is blowing in your general direction.  If they ask you why you're wearing the peg you must state that the tractors are muck spreading.  Repeat until the penny drops.

  3. I completely agree with Kathy.

  4. better coming from someone they know and trust . gently and tactfully. they may have a medical problem , this might be a good way to approach it. your concern for there health could make it easier for them to hear  the unpleasant

  5. You should tell him.

  6. yes you should but it's hard you dont want to offend them. my brother is SOOOO smelly and i just cant face telling him but it's so groce!! try the as much as i love you there is something i think i should tell  you, please dont get angry..

  7. I think you would offend them & the offence wouldnt be forgotten. Much better to get a hint across by giving talc .

  8. Just stand by them and say OMG! What's just in this area I can smell it, can you?  OMG OMG, what is that smell, it really smells like body odor terrible!!  OMG.  Then when this person is within ear talk to someone and say, there is nothing worse than body odor...ya know they do make showers these days, I can't imagine in the year 2008 someone is not using soap that is so easily bought at any store, you know they even have scented soaps too!  Not to mention all kinds of toothpaste...any flavor you, just name it they have it.

  9. Get yourself a piece of gum or mint and offer them one too!

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