
If a salary is "$50k benefits" does $50k include super?

by Guest64301  |  earlier

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If a salary is "$50k benefits" does $50k include super and benefits are things like car parking? Or is super a benefit and the salary is really $50k plus super?




  1. IT Jobs-

  2. Usually $50k is just your salary. The employer has to by law then give you super on top of that. So it should be 50k plus super

  3. It usually means just the salary. Super is added but probably not considered a benefit as it is law that your employer pays this. benefits can mean lots of things, such as bonus pay, commision, uniforms/laundry fees supplied, petrol allowance or use of company car, your own car park - things like that. You really need to ask the employer what the benefits are.

  4. Not sure what you mean by "super"?  Do you mean "supper"?  As in dinner?  You're not likely to find a job that covers your meals unless you travel for the job.

    Benefits are things like health insurance, dental, 401k, etc.  

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