When my niece was thirteen, there were a few boys that were interested in her . One boy was seventeen years old . My brother joked that there was one thing -- and ONLY one thing -- that a seventeen year old boy wants from a girl ( “There's only one thing a seventeen year old boy wants from a girl, and my daughter ISN'T giving it to him !†) . My niece claimed this boy was very shy . I got the idea that she trusted him completely, and that he was more comfortable around younger girls . For my part, I basically agreed with my brother . I was mighty close to saying “He got all the seventeen year old girls, the sixteen year old girls, the fifteen year old girls, and the fourteen year old girls pregnant, and now he's starting on the thirteen year old girls !†. I'll admit -- this situation sounds like a recipe for tragedy . I don't think my brother ever did anything about the situation . Mostly, he watched them with a suspicious eye . NOW -- what if the girl in this situation was YOUR thirteen your old daughter ? How would YOU handle the situation ? ( You're welcome to offer an answer even if you don't have a daughter . )