
If a space ship really landed & an alien came out...what do you think it would look like?

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I know this is a silly question..but what would you have in your mind that it would look like before it came out? What would you be "expecting" to see? (lol..I've been "Day the Earth Stood Still")




  1. I am expecting that alien would look like Lucy liu after a plastic surgery ! or may be some one like President Bush, since both of em have the same goals, " I am ET , destroy all life forms, destroy, destroy ! . . . .I am sorry I havent slept for a while !

  2. Ignoring the Great Rev. T.R. here (I could care less if this in the right or wrong section), I would say that they would probably look however we don't expect them to look.  Of course my thoughts have been tampered with by Star Trek, too!

  3. I think this would be an interesting psychological study that could ask about and possibly show what level of influence the media (books, movies, TV, radio) has on people's idea of aliens including expectations regarding their appearance.

    Since this phenomena (alien abduction or at least the perceived experience of) is part of the human experience then I believe as did William James (link below) that it should be studied as all human experiences should be by psychology. Unfortunately, many psychologist avoid studies of human experiences in areas that are not well established or respected (one could never risk not getting tenure at the university just for the sake of increasing knowledge that may help others that are suffering).

    This leaves parapsychologist to study such phenomena. However, having defined itself narrowly as an experimental science (and having no actual alien to compare to people's expectations) they to avoid this type of research in their protection of their scientific reputations within the professional scientific community of parapsychology.

    There are some that have baby stepped outside and written on possible connections between parapsychology and transpersonal psychology.

    I would expect that any aliens (life forms) advanced enough to visit us would have watched and listened to our broadcast and would go to great lengths to appear as we do (two arms, two legs, one head). This could be done via a mechanical device (robot or android) or some type of holographic projector. What they would actually appear like  in their true form I have no idea.


  4. They would look like you.

  5. Well I guess it would have a sense of sight at the least, maybe like eyes, and appendages to move around like legs or something, flexible digits so they can build and fly the spaceship, and a brain of course but who knows where that would be.

  6. I do not think it is unscientific to contemplate and speculate about what we do not know.   If fact, such an inquiring mind is an asset to the scientist.

    Whether there are beings from other planets and what they might look like is fun speculating about.

    I also saw that old movie "Day the Earth Stood Still."  I wouldn't mind if aliens looked like Michael Rene.

  7. like a human

  8. I don't think this question has anything to do with parapsychology. See the link below.

    I wouldn't have any expectations about an alien being aside from a general symmetry of body parts based on evolutionary arguments.

  9. We are fairly represenative of what a 'higher' life-form ought to appear-no homo-centrism intended. Bi-pedal, head and sense-organs high on the frame, and manipulators ( arms and grasping hands) able to serve the entire body.

    You might change the proportions for whatever gravity well the creatures developed in,( tall and skinny for lighter gravity, short and squashy for denser fields).

    We humans, of course, are unique to Earth, and only those creatures pre-disposed to our environment will do well to visit. Lugging along a bunch of protective gear for each planet isn't economical. I'd say we have to wait awhile longer before any visitors show up--just getting to Mars is a huge leap for us!

  10. it would have your face

  11. Although fiction normally has aliens as about the same size as people I wonder if there is any reason why they shouldn't be as big as a blue whale or as small as an ant or even a bacteria.

    If they were as small as bacteria you could have a whole city of them flying around in a spaceship no bigger than a golf ball.

  12. The first thing that comes to my mind are the Grey aliens.  Those with gray skin and large black eyes.  But I guess in reality it could be anything.

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