
If a stripper gets breast implants can she write it off on her taxes as a business expense?

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If a stripper gets breast implants can she write it off on her taxes as a business expense?




  1. yes believe it or not

  2. Not completely but she can deduct a percentage for necessary work related supplies. Just expect a lot of intensive auditing by horny IRS agents.

  3. actually yes

  4. No because **** are not required to Strip dance...

  5. Go to google.  Search on Chesty Love.  That's the stripper who won her tax court case and successfully claimed her 56FF implants as business expenses.  

    She convinced the judget that they implants were not for personal reasons and would be removed when her career was over.

  6. Yes, she can.  See v b's answer about a specific court case.

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