
If a student's IEP calls for progress reports three times a year and the middle report is due about the same

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time as the progress report incorporated in an annual IEP held around mid-year, what is the standard for issuing another progress report shortly after the annual IEP meeting based on the newly-set goals?




  1. The law says IEP progress reports must occur at the same intervals as regular ed students. It is difficult to believe that any school would only have three report periods a year.

    However, if the IEP states that progress reports will occur three times per year and you develop a new IEP, then the time starts over from the new date.

    It might be that you only get two reports issued before having to develop the new IEP. In this case a (3rd) progress report should occur at the end of the one IEP, because you are reviewing goals and objectives for the old one before developing the new IEP.

    For the part of the IEP that states, "How and when will parents be informed?" there must be an interval of time specified, like a "progress report every 9 weeks", which would be 9 weeks from the development of the new IEP.

  2. If the dates do not coincide within a week, I go ahead and send out a new IEP progress report.  I put the date assessed on the each of the goals (not standard) with the learning at appropriate rate for attainment.  I also am certain that the progress report has the dates of the IEP I am assessing so it's clear that it's just been a week worth of work for the new IEP.  I never risk not having all my I's dotted and T's crossed when it comes to an IEP.  You never know when a situation may go bad and the parents flip out.

  3. I usually get a progress report for the rest of the classes.  You should get one for the IEP class and then one for the regular class if there are some.

  4. If the progressr eport is due the same time as the annual then you are covered. You dodn't need to duplicate work because you should have a progress report and report on all present levels of performance as part of the IEP. You don't need to another one a month later if that is the actual reporting period (at least that is how it works in our district)

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