
If a student want to go for 2 year for study purpose the he will firsty get the visa for 1 year.?

by  |  earlier

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how many days before starting of my course can get the visa?




  1. You need to state which country you are hoping to study in, without this information we cannot answer your question with any degree of accuracy.

  2. It might get changes according to the country you are planning to enter and the country where you going from. Personally when I was going to Australia, Australian High Commission based in Colombo issued me a visa which valid for 1 year. But as per the university requirement i had to report to a special office in Melbourne confirming my presence in Australia and had to produce my Passport. And they canceled my previous Visa and issued me Two Year Visa. Therefore it is very difficult to say unless otherwise you mention the purpose and the country that you are planning to go to.

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