
If a substance travell with a speed of light then what will happen to its relative time?

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If a substance travell with a speed of light then what will happen to its relative time?




  1. time will stand still

  2. If a substance travel with a speed of light then what will happen to its relative time?

    Only Light Quanta can travel with maximum constant speed : c=1.

    In this moving its time is not relative, but endless.


    Best wishes.

  3. i think

    1 its not possible

    2 if u do so u will (according to eiestien )will go relatively further

  4.                It is this question that gave birth to the theory of relativity and now every othe student asks it.


    first of all NOTHING can travel at the speed of light..

    so purely hypothetically if we make some thing travel at the speed approaching the speed of light then its relayive time slows down drastically. there are formulae which explain it extensively but if you are not from a scientific Background then its pointless for me to state them..

    But whatever I said I think its more than enough for you to just clear your question.

  5. No object with mass can ever reach the speed of light, it takes an infinite amount of energy. However, as objects approach the speed of light, time passes more slowly for them as viewed from a stationary reference frame. Photons have no mass and can ONLY travel at the speed of light, and can thus no time elapses for a photon when it's traveling. (Also, antimatter can be considered ordinary matter which is traveling backwards in time, but that's another matter — so to speak.)

  6. as a thing goes faster and faster, time slows down, until it stops for something moving with the velocity of light. (it is another matter that to accelerate something to the velocity of light you would need infinite force). if something goes faster than the velocity of light, it starts traveling backwards in time (read up on "tachyons").

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