
If a teacher asks you do any favors for him/her in order to raise your grade from a D to an A,would you do it?

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If a teacher asks you do any favors for him/her in order to raise your grade from a D to an A,would you do it?




  1. As long as the favours were designed to improve my education in the subject that teacher was teaching. Like how Mr. Miyagi had Daniel do all of those chores for him which were designed to actually teach him karate.

  2. I would NOT.

    That's disgusting;; a teacher??!?!?

    I really don't get how some people can do that.

    I would rather bust by butt all semester to get a good grade.

  3. Where do these ungodly teachers come from?  The schools are becoming dens of thieves, fraud, sorcery, witchcraft, divination and s*x crimes.

  4. yes especially when i need it very badly but it depends also to the favor he/she would ask.

  5. Nope.  I'd tell them where to go.  If you start that at school you'll be having bosses taking advantage and making you run around for them and all sorts.  

  6. It depends as in NO if it is illegal or immoral

  7. is this hypothetical or not?

  8. Well describe favors?

  9. Sure if you want to spend the rest of your life as someone else's pawn, because once you start doing stuff like this to get ahead, that's what you're going to be.

    I'd rather get that A from hard work and extra credit assignments than by doing whatever favors a shady teacher asked of me.  

  10. Hello,

    If you mean getting an A for an F, I would not recommend it.

    You would lose respect and credibility as far as your academic endeavours went.


    Michael Kelly

  11. no i will not blow my teacher if thats wut ur asking.

  12. yeah, why not? LOL!

  13. I would not, because I am ethical.

  14. Definitely not...good grades are to be earned by doing what you are supposed to be doing in the class, related to that particular subject...if you want a better grade, study and learn for it...

  15. yeah i would

  16. If she was hot

  17. of course

  18. yes.  then i'd tell my friends, so that the friends will get jealous and

    tell the parents.  then the parents would get your teacher fired.  

  19. if it's what I'm thinking: NO

    and ewewewewew!!!!!

    don't do anything you are not comfartable with and the fact you are seeking advise shows you are uncertain: DON'T DO IT

  20. Yes.  as long as it is not inappropriate.  It's wrong for the teacher to ask as you probably already know but yeah I would do it.  

  21. nope!! never if it costs my self respect!!  

  22. Well it must be a pretty big favor if the grade is to go from a D to an A. I would say NO, teaches should not be doing that. It's a disgrace to their profession...  

  23. Um,depending on the favor

    If its like run to the copy machine for me

    or go to the office and get...

    Normal things,yeah

    But what is this "favor"?

    We wont know the answer unless you tell us

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