
If a ten year old wears a bra 32aa does that mean the breast are too big for their age or too small or ?

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My daughter is so worried




  1. she is too young to be wearing a bra. by this age she should only be wearing a training bra, and she can if shes that small.

  2. Its normal I guess? Most people dont hit puberty until later on. Why does she care about her b*****s at 10 anyway?

  3. are you serious?


    i didnt even start thinking about my b***s until i was like 13

  4. Every girl is different when I was her age I was a 32aa so you never know if she started puberty that could be whats happening or you could go see your family doctor if you are that worried!


  5. not to big or to small i wore an a cup in 5th grade, some girls just grow them faster than others some slower and everyone in different sizes

  6. everyone matures at a different rate.

    seriously, you didn't know that?

    what kinda adult woman are you?!

  7. Umm. She is 10. Which means she's not supposed to have "b***s" yet.  

  8. Your daughter shouldn't be worried about her breast size whatsoever.

  9. It's normal my younger sister is that size but seriously she shouldn't worry about that right now I mean she's ten  

  10. It sounds about right. She is only ten, she will grow.

  11. thats normal. ten year olds dont have b***s.

  12. there right size when i was 11 i wore like a 32A

  13. thats about normal size, she has nothing ot worry about

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