
If a tiger and a cheetah pass each other would they go for each other or leave each other alone?

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Just curious




  1. the tiger would probably go after the cheetah(the tiger would have to be faster) but they live in different place

  2. It would be hard since there are no cheetahs in Asia, and no tigers in Africa.

    However, assuming there WAS a possibility of that happening, I would think the same thing would happen as when a cheetah and a lion cross paths. Nothing.

    Cheetah wouldn't stand a chance in a fight, but I lion (or tiger for that matter) would never catch the cheetah.

  3. The tiger would see the cheetah as a competitor and try to kill it - lions and leopards, which share the cheetah's habitat, will kill them when they can. The cheetah would recognize the tiger as a threat and stay well clear of it.

    Such a meeting would never occur in the wild in any case, since tigers are an exclusively Asian species and the vast majority of cheetahs are found in Africa (there is a small relict population of about 30 animals in Iran).

  4. Assuming they somehow did encounter each other in a natural environment, without question the cheetah would stay well clear of the tiger fearing for its safety and would try to get away anyway it could. The tiger may be curious at first and then be likely to view the cheetah as a threat or a food competitor and would almost certainly drive the cheetah off and if it did manage to catch it, the cheetah is likely to be killed. This is much the same as what actually happens when cheetahs and lions cross paths in Africa. And as both lions and tigers are apex predators in their respective environments and are roughly similar in size, it is safe to assume that the interactions would be similar. (IF THEY COULD SOMEHOW ACTUALLY MEET !)

  5. The tiger and cheetah had met

    ... they put on a fight for a bet

    ...the tiger was growling

    the cheetah was prowling


    they both went home when it turned wet..

    bit of an anticlimax...?


  6. Well that aint gonna happen.  The only place those two species might see each other is a zoo.

  7. this is a 95% right guess so i would say that these 2 animals would each other alone because they both like diffrent species like a thomason's gazel basicly.

  8. Tigers live in South Asia and cheetahs live in Africa, so the only way they could pass each other is if they were in the same zoo and someone left a door open. A tiger is much bigger than a cheetah so the cheetah would probably get the heck out of there, pronto.

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