
If a toad squeaks when you hold it,is it bad?

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My dad brought me a toad from his farm,and I kept it,but whenever I hold it,it squeaks.I read form the inetrnet that if it squeaks,its a boy,but I don't know if its bad.Help me!




  1. i think if it squeaks it just means it wants to be let go

  2. I don't think it's bad, but it might be afraid.

    It could also be saying *LET ME GO BACK TO MY FAMILY* (toads can say a lot in a little squeak)...

    Think about letting it go back to where your dad got it and if you like toads save up and buy one from a pet store where the toads have been born into captivity, not shut up after being free.

    Some toads bark I hear (and no I'm not talking about bad f**t jokes).

    Check it all out on the internet, you might learn some really cool things - and maybe some toad will catch your eye - a breed from a pet store?

    Good Luck

  3. No but it might mean it's hungry

  4. Don't grab it in inappropriate places.,.

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