
If a train carrying 67 gal.of ice cream accidentally loses the ice cream, would you use that train for travel?

by Guest65199  |  earlier

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  1. Well, you have a good point there.

    If it was a smaller amount, perhpas 50 gallons I would still use that train, a little ice cream disappearance is nto big deal.

    But 67 gallons . . . . . that is Grand Theft, better to put yoru ice cream in cold storage and walk.

    Did you check with the crew?

    Railroaders love ice cream you know.

  2. Don't worry, I found it! Next time send more vanilla!!!

  3. Yeah, I'd bring a pint of my own.

  4. It's no joke.

    I have gotten messages with my track bulletins when going to work that said, to the effect, "Be on the lookout for engine #XXXX, last reported Eugene," for example.

    So, the question is, if a railroad can lose a locomotive on their own system (UP), would you want to ride their rails?

  5. Its a bit harder to lose a person though. lol

  6. I would, but I doubt that railroaders would eat that much ice cream.

  7. Heck no, I'd be wherever the ice cream was lost at, spoon in hand. I do love my ice cream, and yes i could devour 67lbs. of this tasty treat. Where oh where, please tell me where!!

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