
If a train left a station at 1o'clock and another leaves at 1o'clock and going the same speed will they crash

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If a train left a station at 1o'clock and another leaves at 1o'clock and going the same speed will they crash




  1. not if they are going the same way

  2. No if they're going different directions

  3. it depends what way there going.  if there goign the same way then yes.

  4. that question is a mental r****d

    eat my *** hole!

  5. demends if on same side

  6. It want happen, only one train can occupy the one section of track at a time.

  7. Not on the roads I have worked, because there is no 1 o'clock.  There is 0100 and 1300.

  8. nope , we have side rails to turn onto

  9. well it depends like if its a 4 track layout, one goes on the fast lines ,and the other goes on the slow- yet the slow train gets there first- due to the fast failing up the line due to a faulty circuit!.

  10. Not if they are going in the same direction or on different tracks.

    Should ask it like this.

    If a train leaves the station at 1 and another train leaves another station at 1 and they are both traveling at 50mph starting 12 miles apart on the same track.  How long will it be till they crash?

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