
If a tree falls in the middle of a forest and nobody is around to hear it. does it make a sound?

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If a tree falls in the middle of a forest and nobody is around to hear it. does it make a sound?




  1. yes

  2. yes it would still make a sound.  Just because no one can hear it doesnt mean it doesnt make a sound.  whenever something happenes, sound waves travel and they make sounds with the vibration of waves

  3. i donno who cares

  4. There once was a man who said God

    Must think it exceedingly odd

    If He finds that this tree

    Continues to be

    When there's no one

    About in the quad  


    Dear sir:

    Your astonishment's odd,

    I am always about in the quad.

    And that's why this tree

    Will continue to be

    Since observed by

    Yours faithfully, God.

  5. In a tribute to the late great George Carlin, Wikipedia alleges he said:

    If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman there to hear it, is he still wrong?

  6. No. It does not make a sound. Sound actually does not exist. We only perceive the vibrations created from the constant motion of matter as sound. Our brains take the impulses sent to our eardrums and transport them to our brains to be interpreted where they become "sounds." Unless there is a brain to interpret the vibrations, there is no sound and, in all honesty, even if someone is there, can you really call it a sound if outside of your brain it does not exist as anything other than a vibration?

  7. No, if there are no other living creature around to detect the air pressure waves and convert those pressure waves into sound information, no sound is created nor heard. Think about it for a second. The ear converts pressure waves (air molecules impining and jostling one another) in to sound information, how can it be otherwise?  For example, if I take an audio generator and connect it to an oscilloscope which displays on its screen a 1000 Hz signal.  Why can't I hear that 1000 Hz signal?  After all, there it is on the oscilloscope's screen.  The answer is: the display on the screen isn't creating any air pressure waves for my ears to sense and convert to 1000 Hz sound---same thing with a tree falling in the middle of the forest. Pressure waves are indeed created but with no ears to detect them, no sound is made.

  8. NO! Nobody is there to hear any sound.

  9. Everything make's a sound even if we are not there to hear it .Even the wild animal need to know if something is falling, so they can save there ***.

  10. It makes sound because of sound waves.

  11. yes it does make a sound.

  12. It makes spaghetti.

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