
If a tunnel was dug straight down through the core and out the other side, would a marble go through?

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Say we somehow dug a tunnel straight down so it went directly through the core and then out the opposite side of the earth. If we dropped a marble or anything down the tunnel, would the item go through all the way and come out the other side? Would it get stuck at the core? I'm just asking this for fun and curiosity.




  1. The marble would travel towards the core getting faster and faster until it reaches the exact center. There, there would be no gravity acting on it, so it keeps on going because of the momentum of gravity pulling it toward the core. As it goes though, gravity starts pulling on it more, and more, so the marble goes slower and slower, but it doesn't stop because of the momentum pulling on it when it was going towards the core eventually it would reach the other side, go out of the hole, stop briefly in midair, where it would run out of energy, pushing it forward,  and go back down with gravity pulling it. It would keep on going like this until somebody  stopped the marble by grabbing it out of the air. Supposing that the marble doesn't melt, of course.

  2. It will oscillate simple harmonically between the end points of the tunnel.

    The Force on the marble at a distance r from the center in the tunnel is given by:

    F(r) = GMmR^-2 * r

    Which is th e requirement for simple harmonic motion.

    Not to say the least but at the center of the earth, the marble DOESNOT come to rest but has the maximum velocity.

  3. Pretty sure if anything got that close to the center of the earth it would be vaporized under the extreme temperatures. How 'bout that?

  4. Yes, it would yo-yo back and forth from one side to the other.

  5. The initial momentum of the marble would carry it past the core and towards the other side of the hole, but the distance it will travel away from the core is a little less than it did when it was dropped. It will then travel back, and so on, until the movement is diminished to such a degree that it will remain stationary at the centre of the core.

  6. it would drop to the center then stop and have a beer.

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