
If a vast shift by tectonic plates brought the USA alongside Europe- Would the US join the EU?

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If a vast shift by tectonic plates brought the USA alongside Europe- Would the US join the EU?




  1. LOL....The Eu is a joke.

    Would the USA join the one!

  2. For godsake I wish I could avoid seeing this question for one day. The EU has been the ruin of countries like the UK. No EU, no NAU and get rid of NAFTA

  3. Only if Bigfoot was President of the United States.

  4. "Support the reunification of Pangea!!!"

    (a bumber sticker?)

  5. Politically, no we would not because we are already adjoined with Canada and Mexico and we can't get along with them either.

  6. Love the question.  I dont think that they would.  Although many of their policies may align, the EU likes to distinguish itself apart from the United States.  They have a much different culture and many different fiscal policies that would make integration almost impossible.  How would we deal wtih guns?  The dollar vs. the Euro?  Transportation?  Metric vs. U.S. weights?  While many of these issues may seem easy, they would hit just as much, if not more, roadblocks than the current EU constitution is facing with the UK.  Plus, the heritage of Europe and the U.S. are fairly different.  I just dont see it happening.

  7. No but at least when it neared it would give the UK the best ever chance of opting out of the EU and join our real friends.

  8. Ovr my dead body. Do you really think we want your stupid self obsessed war mongering jesus freak mentality to corrupt our ancient civilisations? It was bad enough with the Catholic church, one Holy Empire too much already

  9. They might as well the $ being half the Euro, they might have a problem though ;-)

  10. we'd be dead.

  11. More likely we'd all have to become new states of America or face the sharp end of an over budgeted war machine.

  12. I don't think that would ever happen.

  13. No.  A change so drastic would most likely cause all life on earth to end.   Government would be the least of our worries.

  14. This would most probably confuse American Republicans and they would launch missile around the world...  so there wouldn't be an EU to join.

  15. A drastic shift like that would probably cause mass destruction and devastation. That would be the least of our worries.

  16. WW3 would start as most Yanks would think that Europe was trying to invade by moving the continent toward them.

  17. The USA are a large enough economical power in their own right. They wouldn't need our unity.

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