
If a war broke out between the whole US and Russia, what country would have the better chance of winning?

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If a war broke out between the whole US and Russia, what country would have the better chance of winning?




  1. Russia wouldn't even have a chance. They don't have the military to even come close to the US. They are not the USSR of old, and their military is nothing like the power it was before the 1990s in comparison to the US, and even that was over stated we found out, once the USSR folded.

    Nukes could be ugly, but a war could be waged without resorting to nukes. Russia's weaponry was never even close to what they said it was either, so while they could put a hurt on anyone with nukes, they probably couldn't take out the US capability.

    There is no power in the world today that could come even close to the US in a full out conventional war. The US took it easy on Afghanistan and Iraq. If the US wanted to go full out and just wage war it would be a completely different situation. Air Power alone could take out everything Russia has within a week and all they would have left is nukes. Their aircraft nor their pilots would stand a chance against the air power of the US. When the US puts boots on the ground, they are being humanitarians, they don't need that to win any war.

    The object of war and victory in a war is to take out your enemy's ability to hurt you, or resist you. A Russia without any boats, planes, or tanks would be a Russia with all it's teeth pulled, and using Nukes they know would be the end of them. The US nukes are up and able, and accurate, and could systematically annihilate anything and everything standing in Russia.

  2. No country would win, except for Isreal which is pitting Russia and the US against each other.

  3. So many "both sides would lose" answers, but that would be just as true if you asked about Pakistan and Russia, if you were to be so simplistic that you supposed it would have to be nuclear, and it's very unlikely in a war that either side would pull the nuclear trigger, because that would surely be a devastating situation.

    When you talk military might to military might, the US is by far superior in weapons systems, sheer numbers, and wealth to fight a war. Russia is richer than it has been, and the US more stretched, but the US real wealth eclipses that of Russia, as does their military capability.

    The US military members are also the very best in the world, and no country even comes close to quality in that category (training and loyalty) but Israel and the UK, in the world.

    Conventional War? No contest, period, the US would wipe the floor with Russia, and it wouldn't even be much of a fight.

    Nuclear? There is a lot of talk about that, but such talk is usually ignorant of facts and usually very wrong. The US is by far superior in nuclear capability, and the ability to defend against nuclear attack. One thing for sure is, it would be no fun for anyone.

  4. neither. Russia would eventually launch Nukes, U.S. would retaliate, and then comes the end of civilization. That's what we tried to avoid during the cold war years for 40 years.  

  5. Both sides would lose.

  6. My guess is Russia as soon as the body bags of American service men and women started mounting up the us citizens would soon be calling on the government to end the war  

  7. Depends on who our president is.......McCain a true leader or obama a (can't say because the liberals will cry boo hoo and have the answer bumped)

  8. russia would be 1st to use nukes, us would retaliate and both countries would be blasted back to the stone age, so no1 would win

  9. well outside the realm of what we know both nations have lets consider what we dont know they have. The Russian Federation spends roughly 45 billioln a year on their armed forces. Enough to keep a sizable force and projection dominate military power in their area. The US spends, as of 2008, over 600 billion a year. With an Air force that has the only 5th generation fighter in the world and a Navy with 11 Super Carriers AND a  300,000 man amphibious force that on ground has not to this day been matched. Just ask the Japanese. IN my opinion it would be a tragety for these nations to fight but without question the United States would win in such a conflict. THIS  of course only applies if you ignore the nuclear stockpyles both nations have.  

  10. In a nuclear war everyone loses. But a conventional war could go a few different ways.

    1. US forces remain in Iraq and Afghanistan. Troops are inadequate in number and get steamrolled by Russia.

    2. US pulls out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We win in Russia but take staggering casualties. Also, we lose Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran annexes Iraq and becomes the United Islamic Republic. Then they turn to Saudi Arabia

    3. US doesn't get involved in Russia and stays in Iraq to counter Iran.

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