
If a wilson football failed during a game would the fans just chalk it up to "thats the game"?

by Guest59026  |  earlier

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There really is no difference between the football and the tire. Goodyears only function in this sport is to bring a tire that won't fail. Why are racing fans so accepting to failure in their sport?

If you failed has often has goodyear has this year in your job, you would be fired. Why the leeway given to goodyear?




  1. What about all the engine failures?  And the suspension failures? And the battery failures?  And the .... <fill in the blank> .... failures?  There are SO many "parts" to a car (large and small) that can fail and cause a car to crash or be disabled and removed from a race.  WHY are you concentrating on ONLY the tires?

    They are NOT the the SOLE cause of vehicle failure in a race.  Dare I say DRIVER FAILURE is a MAJOR cause of car "retirement" but do we then throw out the drivers?  

    Perfection is a wonderful thing to aim at, but it is rarely, if ever, acutally achieved.

    Oh... another thing you have to consider is that tires fail due to their being CUT by debris on the track.  Is it the TIRE manufacuter's fault that PARTS from other vehicles are on the track and cut the tires?  These are special racing tires which are geared towards PERFORMANCE and not ENDURANCE.  While I'm no expert on tires, there must be a reason that you cannot have a "hardened" tire that resists cuts without sacrificing some other performance component which is valued MORE.

    Don't get angry with Goodyear if the race teams are demanding performance over durability!


  2. I think the racing on track should determine the winner, not blown tires from a company that requires everyone to have the same ones, despite 43 different driving styles.

  3. you amaze me.  your lack of caring about how ignorant you sound by asking all these questions that provide nothing more than bad analogies is without bound.  there is so much more to the issue than you imagine.  

    a few of your issues:  athletes do not dictate who wins in any sport.  every sport has at least some element of luck.  further, the athletes don't determine what uniforms they will wear, how the equipment should be built, or any of a number of things that affect the sport in one way or another.

    your spreesheet analogy holds no water.  the performance of a single individual making a decision of that sort is nothing compared to the decision making process in how a tire, or an engine, or a helmet is built.  and your spreesheet only has to work at being a spreadsheet within a given environment - that environment does not change from week to week and from year to year.

    and "thebestanswer" - goodyear doesn't require that everyone has the same tires, nascar does.  they are the sanctioning body and they make that determination, just like they did with the COT.

    i guarantee that if they allowed you in on the design decisions that went into tire construction with your take on the subject, the cars would be lucky to make it around the track at all.  and if they did, the drivers definitely would not like it.  race tires are specifically designed to meet a number of needs.  race tires are 1/10th of an inch thick where the rubber meets the road. do you know why?  do you know why certain compounds are used at which tracks and why?  do you know what to do to a tire to "slow" down the cars to safe speeds?  do you realize that the number of "newtons" as you put it, that are placed on tires is so much greater than that generated by a player kicking a football.  and, btw, one of the answers as to why the tires are so thin is so that they dissipate the incredible amount of heat generated by the incredible forces placed upon them by 3400 pound cars sliding sideways into corners at 200 miles an hour.

    get a clue man.  and then get over it, as that's only a small part of the story.

  4. Dude thats like compairing apple 2 oranges, footballs dont have thousands of pounds riding on them nor are they going    185+ miles an hour around a track. its part or racing if everyone else can deal with it y can't u

  5. If the Wilson football failed they would all become NASCAR fans. Just remember, chalk can be erased. Let's use spray paint and administer a touch of permanence. It's a good thing the tire is only 1/1000th of the object of play.

  6. Do football teams control the amount of air in a football?  What a brilliant question!  Way to go, sir!

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