
If a wind farm generates 65mw, how many houses will it provide for?

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Assuming a house uses a minimum of 2.500kw p.a.




  1. Your thought is wrong! The system you describe will indeed produce enough power for 25-30,000 homes! There is quite alot of misinformation out there and I think it comes from people that just don't want to look at the towers! Most of the false Information is along the line of your first answer! The answer by donfletc.. is just not accurate! The fact is that when erected in the proper locations that wind turbines will operate at 90-95% efficiency  which is 30-40% better than nuclear  power and produce no toxic waste to deal with for the the next 1;000 years!

  2. It will provide base load for zero houses.

    We get about 25%  of rated capacity from typical wind farms. So, 65 MW gives us about 16 MW  of average output. But that goes from zero to 70 MW.

    To power any houses one needs to provide some other  source of power for the times when wind is less than average... that is a very large part of the  time. A few hours of 70 MW means we must have a lot of hours  below 10 MW.

    We can meaningfully plan on less than 15% of rated capacity as our summer output.

    With the assumption that we have a growing demand for electricity we will never catch up to our demand. But assume we will need a kW per home.

  3. well I can tell you what I have learned.....that 13 wind turbines can generate electricity for 6500 homes. There are alot of new wind generators too, like the flat ones that will move regardless of wind direction, and can be made small enough to fit atop your house.

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