
If a woman does not nag, does that make her boring?

by  |  earlier

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If a woman does not nag, does that make her boring?




  1. No, it makes her a mute. lol

    Come on, you know it's funny.  :]

  2. No, it'd make her an ideal mate. nagging = annoying

  3. no, it makes her perfect

  4. Not really....sometimes woman nag because they are concerned about the other person but some can nag till the other party gets real fed-up

  5. No it makes her a keeper.

  6. Judging from your other questions you seem better off without a woman.

  7. I sorry, but that's stereotype; Not all women nag!

  8. We DON'T nag, we just want you to listen  

  9. My husband has never complained.  Surely other women believe they have interesting things about them, other than being nagging too.

  10. I can't speak for anyone else, but in my home not nagging doesn't make me boring, it makes me invisible.  If I didn't nag he would forget I was there until he needed something.

    You think I'm kidding ... ?  I'm not.

  11. Not in the least.  The two are unrelated.  My apologies to your lady friend if that is your feelings about relationships.

  12. guys always nag about women nagging. these nagging women even exist or do they just want somebody to nag about?

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