
If a woman drinks four beers a day, it could be alcoholism?

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If a woman drinks four beers a day, it could be alcoholism?




  1. Most people don't drink 4 beers a day, just because they like the taste of it... usually, it's to get a little "high" shall we say?  So yeah... if that's why she is doing it, then.... it's very possible she is an alcoholic.

  2. I dont know which is worse, drinking 4 beers a day or going on a day's drinking session. There's a fine line and prob same amount of damage being done. 4 beers wud be enough to get me drunk.  

  3. Here is a quiz

    If you still are not sure there are centers that evaluate people for alcoholism.  Also you can go to several open meetings of AA and listen.  You do not have to be an alcoholic to go to an open meeting.  I wish you serenity!

  4. not at all ur lucky if u feel a buzz an alchilic is some who drinks every day to get drunk like em.

  5. So they say lol but i don't agree.

  6. It would be considered alcholism if she is actually addicted to the alcohol which would mean that if she could not stop drinking the beers then yes it is alcoholism.

    However if they were able to stop drinking the beers very easily then it would not be alcholism because they are not addicted.

  7. If she feels she has to have those 4 beers everyday yeah i'd say so.

  8. yes. but it would call it more of being a drunk. Shes just doing it to get drunk and right now its only taking her 4 beers to get drunk. Soon it will take her more so she will drink more. The question is, is does she get up in the morning and drink a beer? If yes then id say shes def an alcoholic.

  9. Goto AA that woman quickly.

  10. depends on the reasons why she drinks it

  11. Alcoholism for drinking 4 beers??? Are kidding?? A beer is a refreshing drink with a bit of alcohol. To get drunk with it you must drink at least 10 or 12 without eating anything

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